Florence, South Carolina – Florence’s heart will become a Halloween paradise for kids and families this coming Saturday. Offering a distinctive take on classic trick-or-treating, the City Center Farmers Market is staging its ‘Tent or Treat’ event. Scheduled at 200 Sanborn Street, the event offers four hours of vibrant entertainment ranging from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm.
Designed specifically for children aged 12 and younger, the ‘Tent or Treat’ event invites them to visit different market merchants’ tents to get treats. These tents will be easy to find and feature orange pumpkins indicating that treats are just around. Parents can buy local food and products and children can gather sweets in a safe, daytime alternative for overnight trick-or-treating.
Participants are encouraged to arrive in their Halloween costumes, therefore augmenting the lively market scene. Every costume, from a daring superhero to a lovely princess to a terrifying ghost, adds to the vibrant tapestry of this community event. Parents should keep in mind to pack candy bags for their small children to load with goodies donated by kind vendors.
The City Center Farmers Market is a community pillar that offers a stage for events like “Tent or Treat,” not only a place to get fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables. This event promotes nearby businesses and artists by increasing foot traffic to the market, therefore bringing the community together.
Families searching for a safe and entertaining venue for their children to celebrate Halloween this year would find this event perfect opportunity since the event is public and available to everyone interested. The creative costumes and joyful faces on Saturday will thrill the market and its vendors.
For those planning to attend, the market offers ample space to roam, explore, and enjoy the various treats and seasonal specialties offered by local vendors. This is a day for the community to gather and celebrate the fun Halloween attitude while supporting City Center Farmers Market’s shared values.
So take your costume and candy bag and head down Saturday to the City Center Farmers Market for a “Tent or Treat” event that promises to be both sweet and eerie!