Florence, South Carolina – The City of Florence has received a notice of intent for full grant funding for the ambitious Levy Park Reimagination Project. The decision was made on March 27, 2024, by the Department of the Interior which chose this project to be one of 14 across the nation to receive a grant from the National Park Service’s Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership (ORLP).
The City of Florence will receive a significant amount of $8,927,097. This amount matches the city’s efforts dollar for dollar to meet the total budget for the project, which is $17,854,195.31. The project’s goal is to completely redo and expand Levy Park. It will include improved sports facilities, multi-use trails, inclusive playgrounds, a splash pad, exercise zones, better landscaping, and additional parking. This project shows the city’s commitment to fun and welcoming outdoor areas.
To reach this goal, the city had to find equal matching funds, which was possible with the help of a number of key partners.
- McLeod Health: $1,500,000.00
- Florence County: $500,000.00
- Francis Marion University: $125,000.00
- Duke Energy: $50,000.00
- Convention & Visitor’s Bureau: $5,000.00
- Private Donation (Anonymous): $3,000,000.00
- City of Florence: $3,747,097.66
The City of Florence is grateful to all of these groups for their unwavering support of the Levy Park Reimagination Project. City of Florence special acknowledgment goes to Holly Beaumier from the Florence Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, who found the grant that the city hadn’t been eligible for before. These contributions reflect a shared vision for community improvement and will have a lasting impact on the neighborhoods of East Florence and the Florence Community as a whole.
The support for Levy Park doesn’t stop at financial contributions; the Drs. Bruce and Lee Foundation, McLeod Health, and Florence County have also donated land to enable the park’s expansion.
As an important investment in the future of our city, the Levy Park Reimagination Project promises that all community members, regardless of their age and backgrounds, can have easy access to safe and fun recreational facilities.
“We eagerly anticipate the positive transformation this project will bring to our community as we remain steadfast in our commitment to creating a vibrant and inclusive environment for all,” City Manager Scotty Davis said.
Read also: Florence Mayor Teresa Myers Ervin launches 2024 re-election campaign
As the project moves forward, the City of Florence will publish updates on the official website. For more information and continued updates on Levy Park, visit: www.cityofflorence.com